Kiwi Can was so fun!


Last week Friday we had Kiwi Can it was probably the best Kiwi we can ever have! When we arrived to Kiwi Can they told us what our theme and topic was so we raised our hands and said Integrity but I didn’t know the topic so I just put my hand down. After all the questions and talking we got started on our activities my favourite activity was thru the hoop. The teams were team one and team two so after we got in our teams we had to hold hands and go thru the hoops. And the reason it was my favourite was because we did a lot of encouragement and it was also the most fun game! But the thing was we also were going to be on tv I wasn’t that excited but I was only excited for the games that we were going to play! After that we played a few more games and moved on to GKQ which means general knowledge questions then once it came to the last winners the kiwi can people ask what I am, I have babies, my girlfriend is a dragon, and I lived with Sherk and I guessed donkey and I got it right! But thank you for reading my story about Kiwi Can!

By: Kalisi



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