Making Jelly!

Yesterday on Monday the 24th we made jelly! Jelly is not one of my favourite foods but it was fun to make. We first, got the jelly powder and read the ingredients to make it. Next Mrs. Lammas boiled some water in a kettle then she brought it to us we added the orange first mango next and raspberry. Then we had to use 6 cups of hot water after that Mr. Naidoo added the canned fruit which was pears. Finally, we had to let it sit for one day so Mr. Naidoo put it in the fridge to cool then the next day Skylar and Sarah went to get it. We all went around the table and Mrs. Lammas scooped some out for us to eat! It was not really good but it was as jiggly as slime.

One thought on “Making Jelly!

  1. o my gosh you are doing so well kalisi like what you just want me to cry nah it was a joke but just keep going ok and your just so good at your blog
    From Terrell

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