Tug of war.

Playing tug of war was fun and also amazing!

On Monday the 9th our teacher told us that we were playing tug of war after the third break. We were so excited to play tug of war. Last year when we played tug of war it was girls versus boys and happily the girls won! Our teacher Mrs. Kumar told us that we were playing on the field. And me and my whole classmates were so excited to play tug of war after the third break because we like tug of war.

First, when we went with our classmates to the field our teacher Mrs. Kumar found a sock and laid it on the ground but then one of my classmates found a stick. My teacher laid it down on the ground and said let the rope go because one of our classmates was holding it. So they dropped it and then our teacher Mrs. Kumar made the rope even and said boys versus girls. So all the girls went on the right and all the boys went to the left side. All the girls grabbed the rope and all the boys grabbed the rope too. Our teacher said three two one go! Then all the girls started pulling really hard and we beat the boys. The girls team had a strategy of pulling it and leaning back. Once we won! The girls started jumping around like monkeys. Because we were so excited that we won! We had another round of girls versus boys and the girls strategy was to pull the rope and lean back. Once we did that the girls won again because we were so strong.

Next, we got mixed up into two teams again and this time I was on the left side. It was a mixture of girls and boys. Our team was called Up the wahs and the other team was called the power. Mrs Kumar made the rope even. After Mrs Kumar made the rope even and we all held onto the rope then our teacher Mrs Kumar said Three two one go and then our team started pulling and pulling the rope and we won! We were all jumping around like monkeys but some of us weren’t. We were so happy that we won!

Then, we had three more round of tug of war and our team Up the wahs won once again we pulled hard like a lion that would pull a rope after that we had to let go the rope to make it even so we can all hold onto the rope after Mrs Kumar made the rope even we had to switch sides so our team up the Wahs went on the right and team power went on the left. My teacher said are we ready? And we all said yes. The rope was thick and long like a thick tree branch. 

Finally, we had one more round and guess who won? It was Up the wahs! Again we started jumping around and around because we were so happy and we all started laughing because it was so fun! Up the wahs started jumping around like crazy monkeys because we were so happy. And it felt amazing to win! 

After that we had to pack up because we had to go back then Mrs. Kumar, our teacher, said to one of my classmates to pick up the rope And he did. His name is Tupou. He picked up the rope and then some of us went to have a drink of water. Then we went inside of our classroom. In my mind I was saying I wish I could play tug of war again and again but not everyday.

One thought on “Tug of war.

  1. Kia ora Kalisi, I’m Aaliyah from Glen Innes School.

    I loved this piece of writing because you give so much detail of what happened.

    Did you know for twenty years, Tug of war was an official sport that was played during the Olympic Games.

    If you could add more bigger and more interesting words to your writing. It would make your writing even more better than it is.
    Why do you write with so much Information ? It’s so great when people add so much writing it makes it so much easier and it makes me think I was there.

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