Month: May 2024

My Duffy Book!

Today we got my duffy book and its called Baby – Sitters Little Sister, Baby – Sitters Little Sister is about a little girl named Karen that had to get glasses but she doesn’t want them, especially because school pictures are going to be taken soon. But she picked out some pretty pink ones and everyone thinks she looks grown up.

By: Kalisi

Kleki – My Rainbow fish!

Yesterday at homework club we created a line drawing on kleki first we had to pick a line drawing and I picked to draw a fish. First, I picked an image from google an I copied the image then I had to control v to add my picture in kleki. Next, we had to trace the image and color it after I finished tracing and colouring my fish I was told to show my teacher so I did and she said it looked amazing! And I said thank you then started cleaning up and packing up to go to home.

You become what you believe!

Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself to achieve your goals!

The first time I joined a swimming competition I was really nervous and scared because I thought I would end up losing all my rounds but I actually ended up doing really well and amazing that I told my dad and he took me out for ice cream!

By: Kalisi

Soccer a little bit bad.

Last week Friday we had a soccer game and some people used bad language because our team won and our team used bad language because the other team gotted some goals. First, we had a captain which were Aaliyah and E Jay so they rocked paper scissors and my friend Aaliyah won so she chose non bibs and the other team had bibs. Next, our coach kicked in the ball and we had the ball it was a little bit difficult to kick it in the goal because they were really good but we managed to get our first goal. Then, it was their turn to get the soccer ball so we had to spread out and make sure they couldn’t kick it in and we blocked it! Finally, we had the soccer ball and then we kicked it in but then we had to do one more match so they kicked it in but we still won! But we still managed to make sure the other team was happy so we comforted some of them and most of them didn’t want to talk.

Personal information – private or public?

Today I learnt about what information should be public or private.