Sustainability Sea Cleaners

Talofa lava everyone my name is Kalisi and today my teacher showed us some youtube videos about Boyan Slat. He is a man that collects lots of rubbish in the sea. We are lucky to have this man in the world to have to clean up after all our rubbish. Nearly 14 million rubbish has ended up in the sea. That is why we have boyan with all his other teammates. The rubbish is caused by us humans we don’t take care of our earth, we always throw rubbish, and animals are dying because of us. That is why we need to take care of our sea and planet by reducing, ruseing, and recycling. So I hope you can do all these things to save our planet and sea. Thank you for listening to my writing about Sea Cleaners. And I hope you change to save our environment.


By: Kalisi


One thought on “Sustainability Sea Cleaners

  1. Kia ora, I’m william from Glen innes School.

    I liked the way you write so fast that i cannot get to a hundred words that she would past me already

    This part gave me a memory about that when we were all writing about tug of war and all of the others even in room 4 and help people improve their writingand reading and put people in the right thing on the chromebookh
    How come you can write so fast that people can’t keep and do you remember that i reached three hundred words while you almost reached four hundred words

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