Category: Ako | Learn

Halloween face paints

Hi my name is Kalisi and today my teacher told us that we were doing face painting for halloween. I don’t celebrate halloween but I will only do the face paint! Doing face paint  is cool and also fun. I asked my buddy if I could have a small little pumpkin and it ended up looking like a smudged paint but it was still good because he tried.

Greedy Cat!



The problem in the story was when mum bought the groceries a big fat greedy cat came and started munching on all the groceries mum said to greedy cat “ Greedy Cat don’t you are not getting any food for one whole night!” said mum. Greedy Cat became sad and he whined “ sad Greedy Cat” said Lilly.


The problem was solved because Greedy Cat started acting good again so Lilly decided to give Greedy cat some fish and then he became happy again! But then he said he would never eat the groceries again but little did they know he was lying.



Riding Unicycles!

Talofa lava my name is Kalisi and this is us riding unicycles! The reason I love riding unicycles is because their amazing and also fun Whenever someone asks to hold their hand to make them balance we go to hold hand.  But I’ve seen one girl who has mastered it she looks amazing when she rode it I have been trying to get a hold of it but I just can’t because it is very difficult but I hope you understood my writing about how unicycles can teach you a lot you could maybe win a trophy if you love the sport!

Fruit picking

Three weeks ago we went to the garden to get fruits for our morning tea and the fruits at our school are delicious and amazing too! I love going to the garden to pick up fruits I just asked my teacher if we could go to the garden now and he said yes in about ten minutes. I love eating fruits too they are the best foods my favourite fruits are grapes and apples those are my favourite fruits in the world! I really hoped you liked this photo and writing about fruit picking thank you for also reading my writing too!

Tennis Values And Skills

Malo e’ lele my name is Kalisi and last week Wednesday we had homework club, we made a post about cooperation and partnership. I put some pictures of some tennis tricks that our coaches taught us.  It might seem blurry but if you play tennis you don’t need to see the pictures. But I hope you enjoyed my poster about our tennis values!

My All About Me

Talofa lava  malo e’ lele and greetings to all my name is Kalisi and I made a poster about what I like , what I am good at, and what I need to get better at. I put all the sentences that describe me. I have my picture on there but my hand is a little bit cut off and it kinda looks great but still good. I added some good bright, dark, and random shapes just to make it look good. I hope you can see the colours and writing to read. I hope you enjoyed my writing.

Malo ‘e lele My Name Is Kalisi

Kia ora, Malo ‘e lele, greetings to all.
My name is Kalisi and I am in year five. I go to Glen Innes school.
I am Tongan and part of Hawaii. I was born in Tonga and I have seven siblings.
My favourite subjects are Arts, Writing, and Maths.
My favourite hobbies are Watching movies, swimming, basketball, and soccer.


Sustainability Sea Cleaners

Talofa lava everyone my name is Kalisi and today my teacher showed us some youtube videos about Boyan Slat. He is a man that collects lots of rubbish in the sea. We are lucky to have this man in the world to have to clean up after all our rubbish. Nearly 14 million rubbish has ended up in the sea. That is why we have boyan with all his other teammates. The rubbish is caused by us humans we don’t take care of our earth, we always throw rubbish, and animals are dying because of us. That is why we need to take care of our sea and planet by reducing, ruseing, and recycling. So I hope you can do all these things to save our planet and sea. Thank you for listening to my writing about Sea Cleaners. And I hope you change to save our environment.


By: Kalisi