Category: Ako | Learn

The loud explosion (narrative writing)

I was waiting patiently at the airport waiting for my mum to arrive but suddenly I heard a loud explosion.


First, Liam was really missing his mum because his mum lived all the way in Tonga so Liam said to himself  “I’m going to fly my mum out here,” said Liam. So Liam called his mum and said “hey mum what do you think about flying here?” said Liam.

Next, Liam’s mum said “yes I would love to come!”  mum said excitedly “Okay mum!” said Liam as he shouted in excitement. So Liam went on to buy the tickets for his mum and fly her here and he sent it the ticket to his mum and she said “Okay thank you Liam I’m going to make me a passport” said mum. “can’t wait to see you in seven days!” “you too” said Liam.

Then, five days passes and Liam is so excited that he calls mum saying “mum I can’t wait to see you mum It’s just five more days!” “Me too Liam I can’t wait but you need some sleep goodnight Liam and have a good day tomorrow” said mum.

Finally, the day came so Liam got dressed and said “I need to look so good!” said Liam. Once Liam was ready he hopped in the car ready to go to the airport at 4’am in the morning because his mum’s flight came at 4’50 and he just needed to wait 50 minutes. So Liam waited and waited but suddenly he heard a loud explosion he was so frightened but went outside and saw something horrifying, he saw his mum crashed straight into the ground and he wasted no time look for his mum to see if she was alive but he found out she sadly passed away.

How honey is made.


Today we learned about bees and how honey is made! First, Bees collect nectar from flowers using their long, tube-like tongues. They also visit lots of flowers, sipping small amounts of nectar from each. The bees store the collected nectar in their honey stomach where enzymes begin to break down the complex sugars into simpler ones. Once a bee’s honey stomach is full the bee returns to the hive. Next, back at the hive, the bee passes the nectar to another bee through its mouth. This process is repeated until the nectar is partly digested and the water content is reduced. Honeycomb Storage: The partially digested nectar, now known as honey, is placed into honeycomb cells by worker bees. Bees also fans their wings over the honeycomb cells to speed up the honey so the honey can be made faster, reducing the moisture content of the honey to around 17 18 percent. Sealing the Honeycomb. Once the honey is fully dried out, bees cap the honeycomb cells with beeswax to preserve the honey. Harvesting: Beekeepers can then harvest the honey by collecting the honeycomb frames from the hive and extracting the honey using a centrifugal force process or by crushing and straining the honeycomb. Packaging: Finally, the honey is filtered to remove any remaining particles of wax or other debris and then packaged for sale or consumption. This entire process is incredibly efficient and involves multiple bees working together in a highly organized manner within the hive. The type of flowers from which bees gather nectar contributes to the flavor, color, and aroma of the honey produced.

Visual Mihi.

Today for cybersmart our activity was introducing ourselves .

  • Mcdonalds represents my favourite food.
  • First, soccer balls represent my favourite sport.
  • Next, the apron in the photo represents my cooking passion.
  • Then, the video game I like to play is roblox because it is fun and amazing.
  • Finally, the Tongan flag represents my ethnic background.

Life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly.

Today in class we learned how butterflies were made! First, the butterflies lays the eggs on the milkweed leaf next the eggs turns into a caterpillar then the caterpillar finds a leaf and transforms into a chrysalis finally the chrysalis turns into a beautiful butterfly! And thank you for reading my writing even though you can’t see my picture.

By: Kalisi