Category: Hanga | Create

Sustainability Sea Cleaners

Talofa lava everyone my name is Kalisi and today my teacher showed us some youtube videos about Boyan Slat. He is a man that collects lots of rubbish in the sea. We are lucky to have this man in the world to have to clean up after all our rubbish. Nearly 14 million rubbish has ended up in the sea. That is why we have boyan with all his other teammates. The rubbish is caused by us humans we don’t take care of our earth, we always throw rubbish, and animals are dying because of us. That is why we need to take care of our sea and planet by reducing, ruseing, and recycling. So I hope you can do all these things to save our planet and sea. Thank you for listening to my writing about Sea Cleaners. And I hope you change to save our environment.


By: Kalisi


Halloween Ghost

Malo e’ lele, Talofa lava, and greetings to you all. Today our teacher told us that we were going to do a Halloween poster. I don’t celebrate Halloween but when we have candy we sometimes hand out some candy and then say that’s it. But today we learnt what Halloween means. Hallo in Halloween means hallow and ween on Halloween was supposed to mean be even. People believe that if you don’t celebrate Halloween bad spirits will come. And on it said on the internet that if you dress up and celebrate you will keep it away. But I don’t believe in all that stuff because I was born a christian. And my dad said you should never believe in Halloween.

 by: Kalisi

Breast Cancer Foundation

Talofa lava, Kia ora, Malo e’ lele greetings to all. I want to talk about breast cancer. The reason we have these ribbons is because they represent breast cancer. All these women do so much for their kids. But some of them can’t do one thing breasting their babies. It’s because they have breast cancer. They try so hard to get everything they need for their children. Breast cancer can be soft or even painful. Pain happens when nerves or tissues are damaged. So that’s why we need to raise money for all those  who have breast cancer. That is why we shouldn’t spend way too much money on packets and junk like that. We should be donating but it’s your choice whether you want to or don’t want to. It can be emotional to see women in pain because mothers do so much for us. But I hope you liked my writing about breast cancer.

by: Kalisi


Labour Day Poster!

Yesterday on Monday October the 23rd we had Labour day! Labour Day is a day where you can also spend time with your family and also Labour Day is the best day ever because the people that are working can also take a rest it is a public holiday. The first Labour Day was created in 1980 October the 23rd. Also Samuel Parnell was the first to create Labour Day. If you can see some of my Labour Day Poster it has a New Zealand flag in the side of the poster. I tried to put as much colour but it’s not as much. I put my writing in lobster to make it more fancy and elegant. It can mean Less working, poor conditions, sick leaves, and contract. I don’t remember as much but I hope you like my details on my poster. And thank you for listening  to my facts about labour day!

By: Kalisi

Tug of war.

Playing tug of war was fun and also amazing!

On Monday the 9th our teacher told us that we were playing tug of war after the third break. We were so excited to play tug of war. Last year when we played tug of war it was girls versus boys and happily the girls won! Our teacher Mrs. Kumar told us that we were playing on the field. And me and my whole classmates were so excited to play tug of war after the third break because we like tug of war.

First, when we went with our classmates to the field our teacher Mrs. Kumar found a sock and laid it on the ground but then one of my classmates found a stick. My teacher laid it down on the ground and said let the rope go because one of our classmates was holding it. So they dropped it and then our teacher Mrs. Kumar made the rope even and said boys versus girls. So all the girls went on the right and all the boys went to the left side. All the girls grabbed the rope and all the boys grabbed the rope too. Our teacher said three two one go! Then all the girls started pulling really hard and we beat the boys. The girls team had a strategy of pulling it and leaning back. Once we won! The girls started jumping around like monkeys. Because we were so excited that we won! We had another round of girls versus boys and the girls strategy was to pull the rope and lean back. Once we did that the girls won again because we were so strong.

Next, we got mixed up into two teams again and this time I was on the left side. It was a mixture of girls and boys. Our team was called Up the wahs and the other team was called the power. Mrs Kumar made the rope even. After Mrs Kumar made the rope even and we all held onto the rope then our teacher Mrs Kumar said Three two one go and then our team started pulling and pulling the rope and we won! We were all jumping around like monkeys but some of us weren’t. We were so happy that we won!

Then, we had three more round of tug of war and our team Up the wahs won once again we pulled hard like a lion that would pull a rope after that we had to let go the rope to make it even so we can all hold onto the rope after Mrs Kumar made the rope even we had to switch sides so our team up the Wahs went on the right and team power went on the left. My teacher said are we ready? And we all said yes. The rope was thick and long like a thick tree branch. 

Finally, we had one more round and guess who won? It was Up the wahs! Again we started jumping around and around because we were so happy and we all started laughing because it was so fun! Up the wahs started jumping around like crazy monkeys because we were so happy. And it felt amazing to win! 

After that we had to pack up because we had to go back then Mrs. Kumar, our teacher, said to one of my classmates to pick up the rope And he did. His name is Tupou. He picked up the rope and then some of us went to have a drink of water. Then we went inside of our classroom. In my mind I was saying I wish I could play tug of war again and again but not everyday.

Kalisi – How we Celebrated Matariki at Glen Innes School.


Celebrating matariki was amazing and fun!

Last week when matariki started. I was so excited. And our teacher told us that we were going to Te Oro. When school ended I went in the car and told my dad that we were going to a place called Te Oro. I was so excited I kept on talking about it and I couldn’t wait for Tuesday so I went to sleep early. Because I couldn’t wait to go to Te Oro.

First when I was at school our teacher told us that we were walking. We made sure we got our jackets. Because it might rain. Once we came out of our classroom we lined up together with room one, nine and three. We all lined up together when we saw a late classmate but she came in time. That time we were all buddying up with someone. My buddy was Aaliyah. When Skylar came she put her bag in the library. Once she came outside the person she buddy up  with was called Akenza. 

Next we started walking to a valley way and our teacher Mrs Kumar said we could talk to our buddy but not too loud. So I started talking to my buddy about things. I started talking about how it would be inside and what we would do inside. When we still started walking it started to rain a bit. So I put my hood on until it stopped spitting. Once we reached Te Oro we went inside. Once we went inside there was a person that greeted us and introduced herself. Her name was whaea Kelly and whaea Kahu. She told us to take off our shoes and wait for someone to come in.

Then once we heard the singing we all came in but the girls had to go in first and the boys had to go in second. Once we came in we sat in a line so we all sat in a line. Then one by one all the people on the chairs started to introduce themselves. They said they were all born in Glen Innes and they told us all of their names. After that Whaea Kahu split us into three groups. One was for weaving, rock paint and clay painting. 

I was in rock painting but we didn’t do rock painting first we had to draw first. We had to divide our paper into four pieces so we could draw four patterns. Once we got our pencils and paper ready we opened up the paper with four boxes. Then Whaea Kelly grabbed a white board marker and told us to draw a Koru, Pikopiko, Mangopare, Niho taniwha and a hammer head. After doing all the drawing we had to stand up from our chairs that we were sitting on. Then Wheae Kelly told us to follow her and we sat down on a mat we couldn’t all fit on because it was a little mat we sat on. Then she brang a basket of rocks. She told us these rocks are not just rocks she said they were treasure and she said once we receive our rock we can’t throw it or drop it. Finally we all got a rock each and we went back to our table without dropping it.

Finally we got to paint our rocks. I tried to paint a flower but it went messy instead of good. And then we ran out of time but I added glitter before we ran out of time. After that we sat on the big mat because we had to talk about what we did with our rocks, clays and weaving. The first group was our group. We were really shy to talk and go up but three people we went up with were shy. Then we went sit down and the people that did the clay some people were really shy there but then some stood up and gave a thank message and talked about what they did with the clay. Then the people that were doing the weaving came up. Only one of our classmates was doing the weaving and she was with the rest of the juniors. They all stood up and went off the  carpet. Some of them were shy but were able to talk a bit then we all clapped for them. Then we all lined up and walked back to school.  When we went back to school we made a marae. We made the top of the roof and we were the first group. 

We made patterns before colouring our roof. The pattern we made was a pikopiko. We made them upside down and the right side up. We kept doing the same pattern upside down and right side up. Once we were done we had to colour our roof. The colour we used was black, red, yellow, and blue. Once we were done we gave our top roof to our teacher Mrs. Kumar. When the group with the other roof of the marae was done we stuck the roof together. After doing the roof the other team doing the side of the wall was done doing their pattern. The colour they mostly used was green and pink. Once everyone was done and coloured every part of the marae we stuck all the pieces together. It looked so cool when it was displayed on the wall. 

After that once school was over me and my sibling asked my dad if we could go to the Matariki lights. And he said yes he said we had to go change before going to the Matariki lights. I changed into my pyjamas and it was so comfy. After changing we walked to the lights. I was riding on my skateboard and then I slipped. I said ouch! And said it hurted when I stood up I went back onto the skateboard and carried on. Then my pyjamas got stuck in the skateboard and I fell again. And then I said ouch again but a little bit loud. Once we reached the lights I went and got a hot chocolate because it was all free. And then when I was not looking a bit  and then a person bumped into me and spilt the hot chocolate on me.  And then I started to cry because it was hot and it hurted. Then my brother came and said are you ok I said yes. Then I got another hot chocolate and it was delicious. It was as yummy as an Ice cream with marshmallows on it. When I went inside the Marae it was so loud. It was as loud as an elephant in a zoo. When I was inside there was a dance floor there. The challenge was if you could dance the best and most energetic would win a prize. I didn’t join because I was too shy. After ten to twenty minutes I went on the dance floor. After dancing I decided to get face paint from a lady on a chair she told me if I wanted stars or seas. And I picked stars after doing the stars and the dark sky on my head. She took a picture of my head to show the results. She said it was good and I said it was amazing.  But when my dog came she started barking. She was barking like a wolf! Wolf! Then she stopped. 

When we went to Te Oro and Matariki it was so fun and amazing. I wish I could go again but with all of my friends and family. I saw some of my friends and I played with them. It was so amazing to play and hang out with my friends and family. It was so amazing and really fun I was happy to be able to bring my dog with me. I learnt that matariki is about spending time with your family and even having fun! I like how I celebrated matariki at this school because my old school doesn’t celebrate matariki. 

Our planets

Making planets with my class!

On Monday we were colouring planets. My teacher said that me and my group were colouring a ping pong ball. We had to colour that ping pong ball the colour of mars. Each of our group had to come up to the white been table.

First our teacher Mrs Kumar told us to come to the been table while some of us were still on their chromebooks. We had to colour little ping pong balls. My group and I had to colour a ping pong ball. In the colour of mars. My group and I started to colour the little ping pong ball.

Next our teacher Mrs Kumar grabbed some felt tip markers. The colour my group used was red, orange and grey. I was colouring the ping pong ball but my finger was getting stained. And the little ping pong ball was getting ruined. When I finished colouring I gave the ping pong ball to my teacher Mrs Kumar. I said it was a little ruined but she said it’s ok.

Then me and the group were allowed to go onto our desks and take a rest. Then she called me and said Kalisi can colour this one. It needs to be the colour of earth. So I grabbed green and blue to colour the ping pong ball. I started to colour it green and blue but it started to stain because of my finger. After I was done colouring I gave the ping pong ball to Mrs Kumar. I said it’s sorry that it’s ruined. She said that it’s ok. We were supposed to paint our planet but we didn’t have time to paint it so we had to wait the next day.

Finally on Tuesday we got to paint our planet. Our planet was Mars grey for mars the colour that we used was only dark red and grey. We got three paint brushes for me and my group. We started painting and our teacher said don’t get any paint on the wall because she just cleaned it.

So my group and I started painting. We started with the colour red just around with little spots. We colour the little spots with grey and when we were done we got a little paint on the wall but then I cleaned it up. Lenox, who was in our group had to hold it a little bit so we can paint properly. 

It was so fun painting with my group and being able to have fun with my group. It was so fun that we painted our planets in order of the biggest and smallest. I loved that each group had teamwork. I wished we could paint our planet once again.

The food Colouring Experiment

We did an experiment and it was fun!

On Monday the 22 our teacher said we were doing an experiment. And we were excited, we were so happy. Our teacher Mrs Kumar told us to sit down and look at what she was doing. The experiment was called food colouring experiment.

First she boiled some hot water. And poured it into a glass then she poured cold water into another glass. She put the two glasses of water. On a big desk she had two food colourings one was yellow and one was green. She told us what’s going to happen. Some of us raised our hands up and some of us didn’t. The first question was the green one was going to be. The green one was going to be slow and the yellow one was going to be moving slow. 

Next she  asked Ms Lammas if she could put the food colouring in the glasses. Ms Lammas came to the desk and poured the yellow food colouring into the hot glasses of water. She dropped about two or three drops into the glass.  And it was going very fast. Some of us were saying “whoa’’ that’s cool.

Then Ms Lammas dropped the yellow food colouring into the cold water.

Ms Lammas said wow that was going very very slow. All of us were like wow that’s slow. Some of us said that it was amazing . My teacher said that we are now done with the experiment.  And we watched a little video about the experiment.  

Finally we had to tell what our hypothesis was. And my hypothesis was that in the cold water it would go slow. After  Our teacher asked if we had any questions then some of us  raised our hands up. Then they said they knew that the hot one would go fast and the cold would go slow.  

I was so happy doing the experiment with my classmates and my teacher. It was so fun when we did the experiment. Then we had to do some writing. I was happy because writing is my second favourite subject. And I was almost done but I wasn’t finished. Then we had to finish. Then on Wednesday we had to finish it off. And I finished! It was so fun.

The walking boat of hearts.

Hi my name is Kalisi and our teacher told us that we had to make an instrument. That can navigate my one is called the walking boat of hearts. The arrows on the boat tells you the way to go. And the arrows on the bottom are the legs that go into walking mode. When you’re in water it goes into a boat mode. The hearts represent a light when it’s dark the hearts are on, it’s a bright red light. You can almost see clearly in the dark. My boat is used for finding lost treasure. And  used for finding people that are lost.

Kalisi – The mandarin experiment.

9th of May 2023

Today our teacher taught us about hypotheses. And it was a fun experiment!

Yesterday our teacher Mrs Kumar told the class that we were doing an experiment. She said that we were going to be doing it tomorrow. And today was the day. Before she said we were going to be using mandarins and she taught a word it was a really hard word for the class. We were all struggling with the answer. She gave us a clue and then she said the word. Hypothesis she said what does hypothesis means we did not know? She said that hypothesis makes a guess. Then we went on with the experiment.

First she grabbed two cups. Then she grabbed two mandarins and she peeled one of the mandarins and left one not peeled. She filled up both of the two cups. She made sure they were both equal then she chose two people from the class dojo. The person was Ejay. He put the not peeled one into the water.

Next she chose another person. It was a boy again named Tupou. He was eight years old once he came to Mrs Kumar’s bean table. The bean table was shaped in a bean  shape. The colour of the bean table was white. Once Tupou came to the bean table he put the not peeled mandarin in the cup of water. And then someone yelled out that the orange floats!

Then  she told us to sit on the ground in our class and talk about how the mandarins floated. We all sat down on the mat and buddied up with a person and we started talking about the experiment. And we had a little look at the oranges. And started to think about how was it floating.

It was floating because it has air in the mandarin. It was floating just like a boat.  Finally we took a look at the other mandarin that was sinking. The mandarin that was sinking was all the way at the bottom. The reason it was sinking was because it did not have a skin and the skin would hold lots of air if it was floating. But it did not have any air and skin. Afterwards we talked to each other and explained how it floats and how it does not float. Once we were done talking we had to explain to our teacher. How did it float and how did it not float.

It was so fun doing the experiment. I really enjoyed the experiment with my classmates. It was as fun as a bouncing castle. I think I would like to do the experiment  with my siblings at home. So I can show them how it sinks and floats.